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IUI Treatment: Simple step towards motherhood

IUI Treatment: Simple step towards motherhood

 IUI procedure can be the key in the bunch that can open the door of becoming a parent. 

A study by etimes showed that around 27.5 million couples in India are suffering from infertility issues.

Inability to get pregnant can stem agony and distress for any family in the making. It can put your whole life on hold. However, hoping to succeed can make your infertility journey a bit easier.

In that case, assisted reproductive techniques such as Intrauterine Insemination [ IUI] can help you start the family you have hoped for. 

Intrauterine insemination, also called artificial insemination, is where sperms are directly placed into a woman’s uterus. This treatment can increase the likelihood of pregnancy among couples who have had difficulty getting pregnant.

However, IUI procedures follow a series of steps for you to achieve a successful pregnancy.

Read on to know in detail about the IUI procedure, steps involved in this procedure, and what would be the success rate of IUI procedure?

Whom does IUI help?:

IUI can be an effective treatment in the case of below-mentioned scenarios:

  • Women with unexplained infertility
  • Women with PCOS
  • Same-sex couples wishing to conceive
  • Single woman wanting to conceive
  • Male partners with low sperm count
  • Male partner with minor semen abnormalities
  • Couple wanting to avoid passing on a genetic defect from the male partner to the child

What are the various steps involved in the IUI procedure?:


Suggestion from your IUI specialist:

You should take proper suggestions from your IUI specialist before starting the procedure. Your IUI specialist will provide proper knowledge about the procedure. Further, he can give you advice regarding taking medications.

You will also be suggested to plan your diet accordingly and avoid smoking and drinking. After that, the IUI specialist can conduct certain tests to determine the exact issue behind why you are not getting a natural pregnancy. The test results will determine whether the IUI procedure will work for you or not.

Egg growth stimulation:

In the stimulation stage, a woman begins taking oral or injectable medication to stimulate the growth and maturation of her eggs. The doctors can prescribe to take these injections in the parts of the body where there will be more fat.

For example, Doctors usually prescribe injections on the top of the thigh or stomach. Oral medications are usually prescribed for five days, and injections are prescribed for ten to twelve days. However, it mainly depends on the response of your ovaries.

Blood monitoring and ultrasound:

When you are undergoing injectable medications, your IUI specialist can suggest ultrasound every 2-3 days. It is helpful to monitor egg development and the ovaries.

Moreover, blood tests can also be recommended to determine the level of hormones that are related to your ovarian function and egg growth.

These tests are ideal for determining if the procedure is going safely. When the size of the egg is more than 20 mm and the uterus lining is good, a trigger shot can be planned.

Inducing ovulation:

A trigger shot is received by the patient once the egg is ripened. Within 36 hours, it can cause ovulation.

The trigger shot can be given at the clinic, or it can also be self-administered. After that, the sample sperm is processed. The sample is properly washed during the preparation so that the immobile sperms debris is removed.

Additionally, washing can also help remove the substances that are responsible for causing cramps. Then the good sperms are concentrated further.


At this stage, a woman lies on the exam table just like a normal pelvic exam. Then the sperm sample is injected into the uterus through a thin and long catheter. The entire process is painless and takes only a few seconds for its completion.

However, you should note that getting up shortly after the procedure may not impact the chances of pregnancy. Moreover, sometimes the insemination will be recommended two days in a row.


A week after ovulation, the progesterone levels are tested. Moreover, for some patients, additional hormone support [also known as progesterone support] may be suggested to help prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. However, this kind of support is mainly used for women with recurrent miscarriages.

Pregnancy test:

This would be the last step in your IUI procedure. This process is generally conducted 14 days after the insemination process. This stage determines if the treatment turned out to be successful or not.

Then the pregnancy test is conducted at least two weeks after the procedure. If the results come out to be positive, you can start your journey towards motherhood.

How successful is IUI on the first try?:

The success rate of IUI depends on women to women as every woman responds to IUI in different ways. Therefore, it can be difficult to predict the success of the IUI procedure on the first try.

The most common factors that affect the outcome of your IUI success are:

  • Age
  • Fertility drugs used
  • Other underlying fertility concerns

Certain studies show that the majority of IUI pregnancies can occur in the first three to four stages of the IUI cycle. Moreover, IUI specialists are of the view that 88% of all successful IUI can happen within three cycles, and 95% can happen within four cycles. 

Though, you should know that the pregnancy rates following IUI are varied based on your reasons for needing fertility treatment. Success rates for IUI may start to decrease in women who are over the age of 40. It may also decline in women who have not gotten pregnant after three cycles of IUI.

Therefore, you should discuss your predicted success rate with your fertility specialist to decide if it is a good option for you.

Vardaan Medical Center: Best IUI specialist:

Vardaan Medical Center offers top-quality fertility treatment to all infertile couples. We use scientific techniques to deal with all fertility issues.

Talk to the best team of IUI specialists today for all your fertility-related querie


Frequently Asked Question

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h4″ question-0=”What can I do to increase my chances of getting pregnant with IUI?” answer-0=”There are certain things you can do to improve your chances of getting pregnant with IUI. It includes: Avoid excessive stress and anxiety Exercise regularly Eat healthy food Avoid ejaculation for three days Stay positive throughout the procedure ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h4″ question-1=”Are IUI babies healthy?” answer-1=”Yes, IUI babies are as healthy as normal babies. The chances of birth defects and other medical complications are very low in IUI procedure. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h4″ question-2=”Do two follicles in IUI mean twins?” answer-2=”Yes, two follicles in IUI can cause twin babies. Every matured sized follicle could release an egg and the egg could become fertilized. If there are two follicles, the chances are that you can conceive twins. ” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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